Friday 13 September 2013

RES 341 Week 5 Final Exam Set 1 ·

RES 341 Research And Evaluation I

1.           Unstructured interviews are best used for
2.           A recent study of breast cancer revealed that 13% of the women in the sample used antibiotics more than 500 days in their lifetime. Further, 79% of these “heavy antibiotics users” developed breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, one in twelve women will develop breast cancer at some time in her life. Of the numbers mentioned, which are parameters?       
3.           Basic business research methods would be used to
4.           The collection and summarization of the socioeconomic and physical characteristics of the employees of a particular firm is an example of 
5.           Which of the following is an example of statistical inference?     
6.           A logically conjectured statement that describes the relationship between two or more variables and is formulated for empirical testing is a        
7.           The variable that causes a measurable effect or change on the dependent variable is
8.           Survey questionnaires may be effectively used for research to determine
9.           A company is designing a survey to obtain information on the reliability of a product it sells. To obtain the most valid research information, who should the company send this type of survey to?
10.       The following practice is considered ethical when conducting business research:
11.       If a population distribution is skewed to the right, then given a random sample from that population, one would expect that the
Textbook Price  Number of Textbooks
$25 to $35                                2
$35 to $45                                16
$45 to $55                                5
$55 to $65                                7
$65 to $75                                20
12.       Estimate the standard deviation of the price of a textbook.         
Textbook Price  Number of Textbooks
$25 to $34.99                          2
$35 to $44.99                          16
$45 to $54.99                          5
$55 to $64.99                          7
$65 to $74.99                          20
13.       Estimate the mean price of a textbook.
14.       A supermarket has determined that daily demand for eggs has a bell-shaped distribution, with a mean of 55 cartons and a standard deviation of six cartons. If the supermarket begins each morning with a stock of 61 cartons of eggs, approximately what percentage of days will there be a surplus of eggs?
15.       Which of these measurement scales has a rank order associated with its use?
16.       Identify the scale that has no meaningful zero.
17.       __________ is a measure of the chance that an uncertain event will occur.
18.       The Information Commons in the main library has 150 personal computers. The probability that any of them will require repair on a given day is 0.02. To find the probability that 25 of the computers will require repair, one would use what type of probability distribution?
19.       A multiple-choice test has 20 questions. There are four choices for each question. A student comes to class with four different colored balls of identical shape and size in her pocket. She has decided to draw one ball from her pocket per question and allow the color of the ball to select the answer for each question. What type of probability distribution can be used to figure out her chance of getting 10 questions right?
20.       Which of the following cannot generate a Poisson distribution?
21.       Which of the following is a characteristic of every binomial distribution?
22.       The average qualifying speed for a championship NASCAR® race is 145.65 mph and the standard deviation is 9.45 mph. Only drivers who obtain z-scores greater than 1.2 will qualify for the race. If the speeds are normally distributed, what minimum speed must be clocked to compete for the trophy?
23.       Trudy Jones recently completed her certification examination and learned that her z-score was -2.5. The examining board also informed her that a failure to pass would equal all scores that were one or more standard deviations below the mean and that those with scores higher than two standard deviations above the mean would receive a special commendation award. Trudy can conclude that she
24.       The use of the student’s distribution requires which of the following assumptions?
25.       The standard error of the sample mean is equal to 5 when n=25. If the sample size increases by a factor of four, how will the standard error change?
26.       For a sample size of 1, the sampling distribution of the mean will be normally distributed
27.       A 95% confidence interval for the population mean indicates that
28.       A random sample of 16 ATM transactions at the First National Bank of Flintrock revealed a mean transaction time of 2.8 minutes with a standard deviation of 1.2 minutes. The width, in minutes, of the 95% confidence interval for the true mean transaction time is         
29.       All other things being equal, which is narrower, a 95% confidence interval with n=100 or a 99% confidence interval with n=30?
30.       When the only sources of variation in a production process are caused by chance, the process is said to be

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